Reminder of businesses not opening 4 July 2020

There are business sectors that have not yet been given permission to reopen in England. There has been no indication ...
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Reminder of businesses opening since 4 July 2020

A reminder that since 4 July 2020, many business sectors have been given permission to reopen in England. The businesses ...
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Tax Credits updates required this month

Families and individuals that receive tax credits should ensure that they review their tax credit claims by 31 July 2020 ...
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Redundancy process map

Acas has published a process map for employers who are having to consider making redundancies due to coronavirus. The interactive ...
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Expenses and benefits filing deadlines

The deadline for submitting the 2019-20 forms P11D, P11D(b) and P9D is 6 July 2020. Employees must also be provided ...
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Reclaiming statutory sick pay

Under the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme, small-and medium-sized businesses and employers will be able to reclaim Statutory Sick ...
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Deferral of VAT payments update

It was announced at the end of March that VAT registered businesses have the option to defer any VAT payments ...
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HMRC’s tax app

A free HMRC tax app is available and offers some useful functionality. The app has recently been updated. The APP ...
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Aggressive rent collection banned

The government has announced the introduction of temporary new measures to protect commercial tenants on UK high streets from aggressive ...
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